Zoom Zoom
Zoom Zoom/Tora Tora/My Fair Lady as the ride is known is an exciting ride for the youngsters. It rotates clockwise at high speed swinging outwards and simultaneously lifting upward from one end resulting in tilting the seats that gives the rider a sensational and thrilling experience.
Technical specification
Seating Capacity : 40 pax
No. of bogies : 20 Bogies
Area for Rides : 15 mtrs. X B: 17 mtrs.
Fencing Area : L: 17 mtrs. X B: 18 mtrs.
Ride Height : 6.5 mtrs.
Power Require : 52 HP / 40 KW
Rotating Speed : 8 to 10 RPM
Drive : Hydraulic Drive
Loading : All passenger Simultaneous
Construction : Permanent Park