Swing Chair
Swing Chair is a family ride & meets the best requirements of amusement market. Swing Chair incorporates all the excitement of a large wave swingers, the chairs are hanging as the name suggests from a fixed height and rotating at high speed around the central pole in a synchronized and controlled manner. The ride has a capacity to entertain 20 adults / children at a time.
Technical specification
Seating Capacity : 20 pax
No. of bogies : 10 chairs
Area for Rides : Dia.7 mtrs.
Power Require : 15 HP / 11 KW
Fencing Area : Dia. 15 mtrs.
Ride Height : 10 mtrs.
Ride Speed : 15 to 20 RPM
Drive : Electric / Hydraulic Drive
Construction : Permanent Park
Material : Steel, Fiber Glass, Stainless Steel
Loading : All Bogie Simultaneous