Free Fall
A thrill ride for the brave hearts, the ride goes to the top, the momentary suspension, and the downward plunge. After a brief period in which the riders are suspended in the air, the chair suddenly drops and begins to accelerate toward the ground under the influence of the earth’s gravity. The plunge seems dramatic. Coming to a graduated halt at the end of the ride, because of a guide track with which the chair is attached, which gradually curves toward the ground. A stretch of straight track allows the chair to slow down and brake, producing a controlled stop at the bottom, that gives every thrill seeker rider a never-before weightless experience with smooth landing.
Technical specification
Seating Capacity : 12 Pax
No. of bogies : 04 Bogies
Area for Rides : L: 6 mtrs. X B: 6 mtrs.
Fencing Area : L: 8 mtrs. X 8 mtrs.
Ride Height : 100’ft.
Power Require : 25 HP / 18.75 KW
Ride Speed : Free fall
Drive : Hydraulic Drive
Construction : Permanent Park
Loading : All Bogie Simultaneous